Brand SILVAINDIA and is registered in class 41 No. 5127817 under trade marks act 1999 in the name of DR RAKSHIT since 11 September 2001, Trade Marks Registry, India
SILVAINDIA website www.silvaindia.com has been indexed by search engines such as Google since 2001
The brand SILVAINDIA has been established over 30 years globally and focused on the South Asian subcontinent region as the territorial sole provider of all the SILVA Courses and certifications provided by SILVA USA. The name SILVA INDIA denotes the authorisation to provide training in all the available certifications issued by SILVA International - including SILVA Method BLS, SILVA Life System, SILVA Intuition System, SILVA Ultra Advanced etc. in addition to SILVA Ultramind.
Brand name SILVAINDIA cannot be used by anyone not offering certifications of SILVA Method BLS, Advanced Ultra, SILVA Life System and Intuition System in addition to SILVA Ultramind.
Using the name SILVAINDIA without permission from us, or to deliberately mislead customers by creating confusion with our well established brand name is a criminal offence and as per intellectual property law, any infringement can be prosecuted with imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to Rs 50,00000 /- (fifty lakhs) per offense.
Offences include unauthorised website name as 'silvaindia', false claims to be an employee of SILVAINDIA on social media including Linkedin and Facebook, using the name 'silvaindia' as a social media handle whether on Instagram or Facebook or Linkedin, youtube videos falsely promoting unauthorised persons as representing SILVAINDIA, deliberately misleading the public as being associated with SILVAINDIA, falsely posing as director of SILVA INDIA (impersonation) to further damage our company business and reputation.
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